
Manuscripts Under Review 

  • Xue, Jiani and Shiri Melumad, “How Consumers Photograph Products for Positive versus Negative Reviews,” invited for 3rd-round review at Journal of Marketing Research. ( = Doctoral student co-author)
  • Gaerth, Maximilian, Shiri Melumad, and Robert J. Meyer, "The Social Nature of Voice Technology," under 2nd-round review at Journal of Consumer Psychology. (Authors listed alphabetically)
  • Yun, Jin Ho, Shiri Melumad, Feng Sheng, and Michael Platt, "Neural Brand Homophily: The Case of Apple versus Samsung," invited for 2nd-round review at Journal of Marketing Research. 
  • Melumad, Shiri and Jin Ho Yun, "Experimental Evidence of the Effects of Large Language Models versus Web Search on Depth of Learning," under review at Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.